I urge my fellow Concordians to vote for Elizabeth Akehurst-Moore for Select Board. Elizabeth grew up in this area and attended Concord Academy. After receiving her law degree and starting her career, she eventually moved her growing family to Concord. In addition to raising four kids in our community, she is also a Concord business owner of our beloved Concord Market. In addition to working as a business owner and parent, she has also shown true commitment to and care for Concord through her years of sustained public service.

In addition to her love for our town and area of Massachusetts, Elizabeth brings legal, historical, and business knowledge to the role. She is balanced and measured in her approach to issues facing the town, accounting for both the preservation of the community we love as well as practical innovation and advancement for the future. We would do well to have her keen intellect and voice on our Select Board.

Victoria Santoro

Old Marlboro Road