Strong Advocacy for Concord
I am a strong believer in honesty and integrity. If I have a seat at the Select Board’s table, I’ll work hard to separate fact from fiction, and help to bring more transparency and efficiency into government. My main goal is to listen to facts, and consider the points of view of all citizens, make reasoned decisions, and advocate strongly for what is in the best interest of the Town.
Development of the MCI Site
The closure of MCI Concord is an extraordinary opportunity for Concord to develop 50+ acres in a prime location. It is important that we take full advantage of the chance to create a dynamic new neighborhood of Concord that reflects who we are as a community. As a member of the MCI Advisory Board, and chair of the Legal and Government Affairs Subcommittee, I am working hard towards that goal. I believe that we need to think "outside the box" both carefully and imaginatively, to create a vibrant area that accomplishes the goals of our citizens.
Cell Phone Service
Concord needs better cell service. This is a fact agreed on by public safety officials and residents. I believe we should make it a priority to have a cell tower approved and built. This will mean thinking creatively, and engaging productively with the cell companies and residents. The Town should take control of this process.
Commercial Development
It is no secret that taxes are increasing. The things we all love about the Town (great education, beautiful outdoor spaces, etc.) require money. Currently the commercial property tax base is only approximately 6% of the current Town tax revenue. Having owned businesses in Town (Trail’s End Café, Nosh by Concord Market, Concord Market) for more than 15 years, I’m very well informed and experienced with the challenges of running a business in Town, both from a permitting side and from the commercial viability side. We need to be realistic with what types of business will work here. I believe in trying to expand our commercial outreach to industries such as biotech, education, healthcare and clean energy.