I am writing in support of Elizabeth Akehurst-Moore’s candidacy for Concord Select Board. I have known Elizabeth since 2013, when she joined the Town Governance Study Committee. I was the staff liaison to the Committee, and worked closely with all the members. I saw firsthand Elizabeth’s command of the task at hand, her hard work ethic, her diplomacy and tenacity when working with an 11-member group of independent thinkers, and her ability to work collaboratively to get things done. That is not always easy. The end result were recommendations and a document that was transparent, well researched, and valuable to the Town.
In addition to those two years of service, Elizabeth served two terms on the Zoning Board of Appeals, and currently serves on the MCI Advisory Committee. She’s a successful business woman in Concord and serves on the Board of the Concord Business Partnership. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table in all that she does. Like many working mothers, she has a high level of energy and is able to accomplish a lot.
Elizabeth is bright with a strong academic background—a Bachelor’s from Columbia, a Master’s in Architectural Preservation from the University of York, England, and a JD from Harvard Law School. She’s a good listener and focused, making sure that all sides are heard before coming to a decision. She is able to work effectively with professional staff, other boards and committees, and the citizens of Concord, which is essential as a member of the Select Board. Concord’s problems are complex. I urge you to join me in voting for Elizabeth Akehurst-Moore at the Town Election on April 8, 2025.
Anita Tekle
Virginia Road