I write to encourage your vote for Elizabeth Akehurst-Moore, running for a seat on the Concord Select Board in the town election on Tuesday, April 8. I first met Elizabeth when we both served on the 2014 Town Governance Study Committee, where she impressed me as a knowledgeable, engaged, and collaborative member.
As we look ahead to the many challenges facing the town in the near future, I see Elizabeth as being particularly well prepared to help guide the town. An attorney by profession, Elizabeth is also a local business owner (the Concord Market), a parent of children in the public schools, and a seasoned member of town government. She helped update the Town Charter as a member of the Governance Study Committee and is familiar with our town’s zoning and land use laws, having served two terms on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Notably, at this historic moment when the future of the rotary and the MCI prison land is being determined, Elizabeth serves as a member of the town’s MCI Advisory Committee and is chair of its Legal and Government Affairs Subcommittee. She is ready to step up to help navigate the Town through the challenges, obstacles, and opportunities presented by this extraordinary land use change.
We are in another season of budget constraints and competing budget priorities, where thoughtful leadership will be required to simultaneously support excellent schools, our thriving local businesses, and numerous services to taxpayers. I believe Elizabeth will be a discerning and effective leader, thoughtfully allocating our resources, listening to diverse points of view, and working tirelessly on our behalf.
Sally Schnitzer
Lowell Road