Vote for Elizabeth Akehurst- Moore on Tuesday, April 8th

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Concord Select Board. I offer my record of community service and a strong commitment to Concord’s history, values, and future.

My professional journey has been shaped by education and leadership. I grew up in Lincoln and graduated from Concord Academy. I hold a bachelor’s degree from Columbia College, a JD from Harvard Law School, and a master’s degree in historic conservation studies from the University of York, England.

My husband and I moved to Concord in 2006. My four children attend school in Concord — two at Willard, one at Fenn, and one at Concord Middle School. In 2011, I founded Trail’s End Cafe. I have since grown my local business ventures, including Concord Market, into community-centered enterprises.

I have been committed to civic engagement for as long as I can remember. In 2014, I served on the Town Governance Committee. I recently completed two terms on the Concord Zoning Board of Appeals, and I am currently a member of the MCI Advisory Committee, where I chair the Legal and Government Affairs Subcommittee. I also serve as a board member of the Concord Business Partnership.

These roles have given me insight into Concord’s successes, challenges, and opportunities. I am eager to bring my experience, dedication, and collaborative spirit to the Select Board. I look forward to engaging with neighbors and hearing your thoughts on how we can best serve our town together.

I hope I can earn your vote this April 8th!

My almost 20 years living in Concord (and raising four children here), along with my legal and business background and experience on Town boards will make me an informed and strong advocate for all citizens of the Town.

Make a Donation

If you prefer to pay by check please make payable to Elizabeth Akehurst-Moore and send to 86 Holden Wood Road, Concord, MA 01742

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